New to the art form? This Wall Street Journal article will get you orientated. Also, for more information on how some of these titles mislead lawmakers and the citizenry, find some academic commentary from Brian Christopher Jones here:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Congress LEADS Global Data Storage Solution?

Representatives Tom Marino (R., PA) and Suzan DelBene (D., WA) have introduced the Law Enforcement Access to Data Stored Abroad Act (LEADS Act). A press release calls it "a simple solution to the all too common and complicated problem of international data storage and governmental access," further noting that it "balances the critical needs of law enforcement and sovereignty of foreign nations with the importance of respecting privacy and personal information."

The bill is supported by a number of organizations and businesses, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Microsoft. The full press release is below the jump. 


Reps. Marino, DelBene Introduce LEADS Act

Feb 27, 2015 Issues: Defense and National Security
February 27, 2015
Reps. Marino, DelBene Introduce LEADS Act
Washington D.C.—Congressman Tom Marino (R-PA) and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA) introduced the bipartisan and bicameral Law Enforcement Access to Data Stored Abroad Act (LEADS Act) today. The LEADS Act is a simple solution to the all too common and complicated problem of international data storage and governmental access. The legislation balances the critical needs of law enforcement and sovereignty of foreign nations with the importance of respecting privacy and personal information.
This legislation also strengthens the framework of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) by resisting the trend of storing data within each and protection efforts in an era of cloud storage and computing where information exchanges increasingly ignore the confines of traditional international boundaries.
Congressman Marino, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform said the following:
“I am proud to join Congresswoman DelBene in this effort and have great confidence that with her help, our colleagues on both sides of the aisle can join in supporting the LEADS Act. It is an important piece of legislation which has significant and positive implications for law enforcement and private citizens. If we cannot accomplish the act of passing this reasonable legislation, U.S. companies will find it increasingly difficult to compete overseas and online user privacy will diminish.”
Congresswoman DelBene said the following:
“U.S. companies need clear guidelines on when they have to turn over electronic communications to law enforcement if that information is stored abroad. The current uncertainty harms U.S. businesses and their customers, and does not well-serve our foreign relationships,” DelBene said. “The LEADS Act is an important step in solving one of the most challenging issues in the electronic information age, and I look forward to working with stakeholders to pass productive legislation that will give U.S. companies a workable legal framework.”
The following organizations are supporters of the LEADS Act:
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), AT&T, App Association, Apple, Brittenford Systems, The Software Alliance, Carter-McGowan Services Alliance, TechNet, Cisco, Cogent Company, Verizon, Focal Technology, Gruene Technology Group, Hewlett-Packer Company, IBM, Interknowlogy, KDM Consulting, Kumo Technology, ManyWorlds, Inc., Microsoft, National Alliance for Jobs and Innovation, National Association of Manufacturers, Rackspace, Tech Cumulus, Telecommunications Industry Association and Verizon support the legislation.

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