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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

FAST America?

Sen. Christopher Coons (D., DE) has introduced S.85, the Fair, Accurate, Secure, and Timely (FAST) Voting Act of 2013, and is scheduled to give testimony about it on Wednesday to the Senate Rules and Administration Committee. The measure would provide grants to states to use innovative technologies to speed up their voting and make it more accurate. According to the official summary, the bill would: 
Directs the Attorney General to award grants, on a competitive basis, to enable states to: (1) invest in practices and technology designed to expedite voting at the polls, and (2) simplify voter registration.
Requires the grant application to include a comprehensive and coherent plan for using funds to improve the applicant's performance on specified measures with respect to: (1) flexible registration opportunities, (2) early voting, (3) assistance to non-English speaking voters, and (4) other related matters.
Requires each grantee to establish performance measures and targets, approved by the Attorney General, that track its progress in implementing its plan and expediting voting at the polls or simplifying voter registration, as applicable.

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